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P-Xylene (para-xylene) is an aromatic hydrocarbon. It is one of the three isomers of dimethylbenzene known collectively as xylenes. All have the same chemical formula C6H4(CH3)2. All xylene isomers are colorless and highly flammable.

p-Xylene is an important chemical feedstock. Among other industrial applications, it is a raw material in the large scale synthesis of various polymers. In particular it is a component in the production of terephthalic acid for polyesters such as polyethylene terephthalate (generally known as PET). It also may be polymerised directly to produce parylene.

NoTypical TestUnitSpecificationTest Method
1PurityWt%99.7 MinASTM D7504
2Non-AromaticsWt%0.2 MaxASTM D7504
3Distillationï‚°C2 Max including 1388.3ASTM D850
ASTM D5453
4T-SulfurWt ppm1.0 Max& ASTM D7039
5T-ChlirideWt ppm1.0 MaxASTM D7536ï‚°c-0.8650-0.8661ASTM D4052
7So2/H2s content-FreeASTMD853
9Tol+BzWt ppm300 MaxASTMD3789
10Ethyl BenzeneWt%0.3 MaxASTMD3789
11Color(Pt-co scale)-20 MaxASTMD1209
12M-xyleneWt%Max 0.25ASTMD3798
13O-xyleneWt%0.1 MaxASTMD3798
14Acid Wash Color-1.0 MaxASTMD848

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Para-xylene is a key raw material used in the production of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) through a two-step oxidation process. In the first step, para-xylene is oxidized to form terephthalic acid, which is then purified to remove impurities. In the second step, the purified terephthalic acid is esterified with ethylene glycol to produce PET resins for the production of fibers, bottles, and other polyester products.

Para-xylene exposure can pose health risks such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Prolonged or high-level exposure to para-xylene may cause more serious health effects such as central nervous system depression and damage to the liver and kidneys. Para-xylene emissions to the environment can also contribute to air pollution and groundwater contamination.

Para-xylene is primarily produced as a byproduct of the catalytic reforming of petroleum naphtha or mixed xylenes. The reforming process involves heating the feedstock in the presence of a catalyst to rearrange the molecular structure and produce a mixture of xylene isomers, including para-xylene. Para-xylene can also be produced through other processes such as toluene disproportionation and coal tar distillation.

Regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have established regulations and guidelines to limit occupational exposure to para-xylene in workplaces and to control emissions from industrial sources. These measures include permissible exposure limits (PELs), emission standards, and monitoring requirements to protect workers and the environment from the health hazards of para-xylene.

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